There are two ways you can do this.
  • Using Git and Maven (recommended)
  • Using an Eclipse project
If you are familiar with Maven and Git we recommend using the first method. This way you won't have any trouble when a newer version of LeanEngine will be available. For those who don't know their way around Maven and Git the second method might be easier.
    git clone git://
    cd LeanEngine-Server
    mvn clean install package
    cd lean-server-example
    mvn gae:execute
At this point the server should be running. Check your Maven output or point your browser to: http://localhost:8080/.

Important You need Eclipse with Google plugin for Eclipse installed.

Download the LeanEngine Server for Eclipse from Github.

Import the downloaded project to Eclipse. You do this by clicking File/Import... and selecting the Existing Projects into Workspace option.

In the next dialog go to Select archive file: and point it to the file you have downloaded in the previous step.

You are ready to run your server now. Just click on the green Run icon and select LeanEngineServer or choose Run As... / Web Application.

In case Eclipse asks you to Select WAR Directory just point it to the webapp folder.

If everything went well you should see something like this in the console in Eclipse.

  • Running the LeanEngine server
Congratulations, your LeanEngine server is running. You can access it by pointing your browser to http://localhost:8888/.

Again, there are two ways you can do this.
  • Using Git and Maven (recommended)
  • Using an Eclipse project
If you are familiar with Maven and Git we recommend using the first method. This way you won't have any trouble when a newer version of LeanEngine will be available. For those who don't know their way around Maven and Git the second method might be easier.
    git clone git://
    cd LeanEngine-Android
    mvn clean install package

Important You need Eclipse with ADT plugin for Eclipse installed.

Download the LeanEngine Android example for Eclipse from Github.

Import the downloaded project to Eclipse. You do this by clicking File/Import... and selecting the Existing Projects into Workspace option.

In the next dialog go to Select archive file: and point it to the file you have downloaded in the previous step.

You are ready to run your Android project. Just click on the green Run icon and select Run As... / Android Application. If all went well the emulator should start now.

Once you are finished with the development process it is time to deploy your server - upload it to the Google App Engine. The process for uploading is described here.

When you have successfully deployed your server there are a few thing you need to set. Login to your GAE administrator console and go to Administration/Application Settings and under Authentication Options choose (Experimental) Federated login.

Then you need to go to Custom/LeanEngine Setting and enable the option for Facebook Login and openID login. In case you wish to use FB login you also need to enter your Facebook "secret" here. This is the data you got when you applied for facebook application here.